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We at Four Quarters believe that Design Simplifies Complications

Our magic lies in passionately developing brand experience for our clients to set them apart from competitors.

We don't believe in the "one-size-fits-all" approach. Instead, we take the time to understand your organization and customers so we can recommend a strategy based on your individual business needs. When you invest in any of Four Quarters branding solutions, you’ll have some of the sharpest minds in the industry contributing to your goals and vision.

Corporate Identity

Corporate identity is how your business presents itself to the outside world. Although internal culture and values are integral to shaping company identity, the corporate identity definition applies to a company’s visual assets and brand design.
Four Quarters have partnered with some of the India’s largest and most successful organizations to create new corporate identities.

What is corporate identity and branding exactly?

Essentially, any communication or information you see when you interact with a brand is part of its corporate identity. Although logo design sits under corporate identity, the term reaches far beyond this visual icon to encompass elements such as the fonts, illustrations, colors, photography, and animations and other brand assest.
You’ll see examples of corporate identity on everything from social media posts to billboards ads, staff uniforms to stationery, product packaging, to app profiles.

How do we create corporate identity?

A corporate or company identity can only be built once your internal team has aligned on your brand’s positioning, mission, values, messaging, and personality. With this strong foundation in place, you can then work with Four Quarters design team on creating a visual language that reflects your brand.
These visual brand markers should be as strategic as they are creative. Rather than rigid fixed brand components, your design elements should also be agile, keeping your business relevant throughout changing market and consumer landscapes.

High-end Website / Application

There is a difference between a high end website and a more standard creation. As one of the high-end web development company, we wanted to share what goes into a high end website design to ensure that you are getting your money’s worth if someone is promising to create one for you.
Ideally your website should be serving a purpose such as providing information, generating sales or cultivating conversions of one type or another. It should also create a unique online identity that creates a strong impression with visitors which is positive and memorable.

Brand Promoter

First and foremost a high end website should be a powerful, driving force behind your brand’s online presence. A professional looking site that is highly effective demonstrates to people the time and energy you are willing to put forth in not only your businesses’ appearance but ability to meet their needs.


One of the most important aspects of a high end design is that it should be 100% customized to your needs. While some firms might use templates or borrower code from prior projects, the top firms take the time to build a website from the ground up, tailored to your exact needs both now as well as with plans for expansion in the future.

Meaningful Content

Another difference between a more standard website and a high end design is the focus on meaningful, worthwhile content. Each piece of content is interesting and professional, designed to provide value to your customers and their needs.

Fully Optimized

If you have a website then obviously you want people to find it and utilize it, which is much easier with proper optimization that works hand in hand with your marketing strategy. After all, what is the point of paying for an amazing website if your target audience never visits it?

Well Coded

A professional, inspiring website is created by experienced, highly qualified designers and programmers that understand the nuances of multiple coding languages and the various components that are used to make your site come to life. They understand how to craft pages that are mobile friendly, work seamlessly with any browser, won’t disrupt your users’ activities with errors or broken links, and can easily be added to or updated as business dictates.

Maintenance Program

When you buy a luxury car it often comes with a maintenance plan that helps ensure that your investment is protected and running optimally. The same concept should apply to your high end website design. Once the site is launched, the work shouldn’t be considered complete but instead the focus of the work changes. Regular maintenance, much like with your car, keeps things running smoothly as your site travels along the information super highway. Content and pages will need updating, technology will keep evolving, security measures are regularly improved and even functionality needs can change as your business needs do.

Why would you need a High End Website?

The concept of whether you need a higher end website compared to a standard site or even “cheap” site should be more than a matter of preference; it should be a decision based on your business. If your current goals are being met, your site is providing the conversions or exposure you need, and it can handle both current and future needs then your website is doing its job.

However, if your site is not doing its job, then it is time to evaluate your needs.

Branded Content

What is Branded Content?
Branded content is a marketing technique that involves creating content that is directly linked to a brand, allowing consumers to make the connection with the brand.

To take a closer look at this definition, we will further define the main characteristics of branded content:

It is focused on the values of the brand, not on its products or its services

Although branded content can adopt the format of a classic video spot, it is based more on the intangible qualities of the brand than on the specific products it offers.

It seeks to generate conversation and notoriety around the brand.

More than looking for a direct sale or conversion, these contents try to impact the audience and spark conversation around the brand. Therefore, the key metrics to measure the success of branded content tend to focus on the notoriety and the number of mentions.

Generates added value for the user.

Normally we think of advertising as a price to pay to consume the content that really interests us, but branded content seeks to turn this idea around and create content that users really want to consume. Generally, this added value comes in the form of entertainment.

Appeals to emotions.

Using emotions for persuasion goes back to the times of Aristotle, and today it’s still an effective technique. Branded content does not seek to use rational arguments about why a brand is better than the competition, but instead seeks to connect with the audience on a more intimate level.

It uses storytelling.

In essence, this type of content seeks to tell a representative story of the brand to the viewer, with protagonists, as well as a beginning, middle, and end.

It can be presented through multiple formats and diffusion channels.

Branded content is a very flexible concept, so it can be adapted for many different formats: video content, podcasts, interactive formats, video games, events … or even combine several of them to tell the history of the brand. Similarly, there are also many different ways to spread the content, from apps to social networks through to the brand’s website.

The content may be co-created.

It is very common for brands to collaborate with film directors or other renowned professionals to create their most outstanding content. But the collaboration doesn’t end there: user-generated content is also a popular resource, allowing the users themselves to tell their stories about the brand and thus get involved with brand engagement while providing content.

opportunities to build deep insight through real-time data and analytics, which in turn can inform strategies for future demand, loyalty and innovation.

Four Quarters works with some of the largest consumer organizations in the world to drive growth through brand strategy and experience. From creating new categories to optimizing market share, we can help you to address consumer brand challenges across and within portfolios.

Information Architecture

Information architecture or (IA) is the structural design of shared information environments: The art and science of organizing and labelling websites, intranets, online communities and software to support usability and findability and an emerging community of practice focused on bringing principles of design, architecture and information science to the digital landscape.
Typically, it involves a model or concept of information that is used and applied to activities which require explicit details of complex information systems. And we at Four Quarters are a specialist in creating IA for various kind of digital landscape.